Eureka!Funziona!, the orientation project by Federmeccanica
Eureka!Funziona!, the orientation project of Federmeccanica, sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Merit and promoted in the area by sicindustriamessina with the support of the University of Messina, goes on tour for the participating schools: the second classes of 4 middle schools of Messina, San Francesco Di Paola Comprehensive Institute, I.C. Vittorini - Messina, Pascoli Crispi Comprehensive Institute, IC Salvo D'Acquisto
✅ The University team of: MEB - Messina Energy Boat, SIC - Stretto in Carena and ZED - Zancle E-Drive illustrates to the children the sports educational activities and the creation of competition prototypes.
✅ Conceive, design, build, communicate but above all teamwork to achieve the goal.
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